Candy Crush Saga Game Strategy

Solution 1:

I wrote a whole guide you can check out, but I'll summarize here:

  • As others have mentioned, comboing your special candy can be quite powerful. Each combination of two special candies, when matched, will produce a devastating effect on the board as a whole. This is somewhat situational, though, since you're not always going to have the luxury of having a bunch of special candy that is easy to combo together. However, getting your 4's, 5's, and 6's matched together is almost always a priority, since they create effects that can hit a wide swath of the board.
  • Work from the bottom up. The bottom candies tend to get stuck there and stay there, and more often than not you need fresh candy down there with lots of matches in order to clear the board. Additionally, moving candies at the bottom tends to create "free" matches at the top that boost your score and keep the candies moving.
  • The hint system is terrible, so avoid following its instructions. It will often tell you to match 3 and break up a match of 4/5.
  • You can repeatedly enter and exit levels to re-roll the starting candies. (At least on the Android version, this does not cost you a life, unless you make a move first or the level has a timer) This is especially important where you need to clear the bottom quickly - you can reroll until you've got a 5 match or a couple of 4's, or even several 3's along the bottom.

That said, the game is very random. The whole point appears to be to make the game just hard enough that you get near the end but frequently fail. The way the company makes money is when you lose and either buy new lives or attract new players who will hopefully spend money. Therefore, they've got a vested interest in putting you in unwinnable (but not discouragingly so) situations.

I've rolled several of the levels 20-30 times in service of finding easier starting positions, and I can assure you that the starting candies are quite random. The objectives tend to be in the same positions, or at least have a fixed spawning pattern in the case of "ingredient" levels, however.

Solution 2:

A tactic that got me a few levels further, is to save the special candies so an other special candy ends up next to it. Combining special candies always gives a larger effect. Cross-using different species of special candies gives a huge effect.

Try to prepare candies for a huge combo. Make sure the candy drops in place so you can create, for example, a wrapper candy. Keep in mind that it can take 3 turns to create such candy.

Solution 3:

If you are talking about the Candy Crush Saga by King, then creating 'Jazzles' is your best bet. If you manage to create one of these, I'd advise using it with a 'Special Candy' so that all the candy of that colour, change into special candies - thus clearing more of the board.

Solution 4:

Try to combine a striped candy with a little bag of candy then it will remove all the candy's in a vertical and a horizontal row of 3 by 3 wide

Solution 5:

I really think the key to successfully completing any level of CC is having a good initial layout to begin with. Therefore knowing how to exit & re-enter a level to enable a reshuffle is crucial.

The trick is to hold off hitting the PLAY Button until you see a layout that looks favourable for the level you are playing. (ie: you can see an instant 5 candy combo or vertical/horizontal 4 candy combos) That way, you're at least off to a very good start.

My husband plays CC on his iPad and he's used the exit/re-enter strategy often, and with great success. This does not work on the Facebook or Android versions, however.