adding printer, Authentication adding printer username password

I am adding the printer from the windows network via samba.

All seems fine: - I can authenticate the access to the domain, - I can see all the printers there. - Adding ppa file, which I download from the printer manufacturer website

But I stuck in the last point when I click apply button and see another authentication window which asks just Username and Password (without domain). enter image description here

I tried everything and nothing works:

  1. Adjust smbd config to have by default the domain name, which I need
  2. {user}@{domain}
  3. {user}/{domain}
  4. {domain}/{user}
  5. {user}

Access to cups server works on localhost:631.

OK, I figure out, that this is the request of a CUPS server authentication, which by default, has a value basic in config. And you have to switch it off by doing the following:

  1. sudo nano /etc/cups/cupsd.conf
  2. change the value DefaultAuthType to None
  3. sudo service cups restart

No authentication required anymore

In Ubuntu 19.10 a new problem arises with the previous solution stated, where there is no longer a password being requested but the window freezes.

After digging around I found this solution:

Taking from the answer:

  1. Open the file /etc/cups/cups-files.conf.
  2. Find the group name at the line containing SystemGroup (in Ubuntu it should be lpadmin).
  3. Add yourself to that group (sudo usermod -a -G lpadmin your-username)
  4. Apply it (sudo service cups restart).

There will still be an authentication dialog, but now if you put your PC's username and password it works.