How to implement IDbContextFactory for use with Entity Framework data migrations

Solution 1:

I also hit this problem as i wrote my context to take a connection string name (and then used ninject to provide it).

The process you've gone through seems correct, here is a snippet of my class implementation if it's of any help:

public class MigrationsContextFactory : IDbContextFactory<MyContext>
    public MyContext Create()
        return new MyDBContext("connectionStringName");

That should be all you need.

Solution 2:

Like @Soren pointed out, instead of using IDbContextFactory, not supported on some earlier EF Core releases (i.e. EF Core 2.1), we can implement IDesignTimeDbContextFactory<TContext>, which supports the missing ConnectionString parameter.

For a settings.json based aproach, which you can use with either of the referred interfaces, check @Arayn's sample which allows us to define "ConnectionStrings:DefaultConnection" value path

Update 1

According to @PaulWaldman's comment, on EF Core 5 support for IDbContextFactory was reintroduced. For further details, check his comment below.