Parsing a Hexadecimal String to an Integer throws a NumberFormatException?

So, In Java, you know how you can declare integers like this:

int hex = 0x00ff00;

I thought that you should be able to reverse that process. I have this code:


where primary is an object of a custom Color class. It's constructor takes an Integer for opacity (0-99) and a hex String (e.g. 00ff00).

This is the getFullHex method:

public String getFullHex() {
    return ("0x" + hex);

When I call this method it gives my this NumberFormatException:

java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "0xff0000"

I can't understand what's going on. Can someone please explain?

Will this help?

Integer.parseInt("00ff00", 16)

16 means that you should interpret the string as 16-based (hexadecimal). By using 2 you can parse binary number, 8 stands for octal. 10 is default and parses decimal numbers.

In your case Integer.parseInt(primary.getFullHex(), 16) won't work due to 0x prefix prepended by getFullHex() - get rid of and you'll be fine.

Integer.valueOf(string) assumes a decimal representation. You have to specify that the number is in hex format, e.g.

int value = Integer.valueOf("00ff0000", 16); 

Note that Integer.valueOf(string,16); does not accept a prefix of 0x. If your string contains the 0x prefix, you can use Integer.decode("0x00ff0000");

Try to use decode method:



  • Signopt DecimalNumeral
  • Signopt 0x HexDigits
  • Signopt 0X HexDigits
  • Signopt # HexDigits
  • Signopt 0 OctalDigits

You can read about it here

The parseInt method only accepts the number part, not any kind of "base" indicator such as "0x" for hexadecimal or "0" for octal. Use it like this

int decimal = Integer.parseInt("1234", 10);
int octal = Integer.parseInt("1234", 8);
int hex = Integer.parseInt("1234", 16);

This should do it:

String hex = "FA"; 
int intValue = Integer.parseInt(hex, 16);

And if you want to generate hex representation of an integer, use

String hex = Integer.toHexString(12);