Exit command mode in sublime text 2

I just started using sublime text 2 and when I go into command mode I can't get out.

How do I exit out?

Escape puts you into command mode; i takes you back out.

... And, if you want to avoid entering in the command mod when pressing ESC key, add the following ignored packages in your sublime preferences:


It looks like by default in Preferences > Settings - Default this is enabled

"ignored_packages": ["Vintage"]

but then it's overwritten in Settings - User by

"ignored_packages": [

so copy the setting from Settings - Default to Settings - User That worked for me.

As in Vim, to exit the command mode, press i insert to keep the cursor exactly where it is positioned.

But, since it requires a lot of hand-movements, I personally hate pressing i everytime.

So, while fiddling around with Sublime, I found that pressing a also took you back into normal mode, although the cursor advances by one character (append as correctly pointed out by Chris), I think I'll take that over i.

So, ESC to enter, a to exit the command mode.