Run C++ in command prompt - Windows

I know that everyone uses an IDE nowadays, but I just find it simpler to write my code in notepad++, compile it using a command prompt command, and run it from there too. At least that works for Java and Python. I've tried to get my head around how to do that with C++, and haven't been able to find anything good. Is there any compiler (like Java's JDK) that I can stick into my path and use the C++ equivalent of javac and java to run and compile my code from CMD?

Note: please don't post answers and comments about how IDEs are better - I know they are. I'm just used to doing it the old way :D

Steps to perform the task:

  1. First, download and install the compiler.

  2. Then, type the C/C++ program and save it.

  3. Then, open the command line and change directory to the particular one where the source file is stored, using cd like so:

    cd C:\Documents and Settings\...
  4. Then, to compile, type in the command prompt:

    gcc sourcefile_name.c -o outputfile.exe
  5. Finally, to run the code, type:


It depends on what compiler you're using.

For example, if you are using Visual C++ .NET 2010 Express, run Visual C++ 2010 Express Command Prompt from the start menu, and you can simply compile and run the code.

> cl /EHsc mycode.cpp
> mycode.exe

or from the regular command line, you can run vcvars32.bat first to set up the environment. Alternatively search for setvcvars.cmd (part of a FLOSS project) and use that to even locate the installed VS and have it call vcvars32.bat for you.

Please check your compiler's manual for command lines.

If you're running Windows then make use of this:

g++ -o program program.cpp

g++ is the name of the compiler and -o is the option needed for creating a .o file. Program (without .cpp suffix) is the exe file and program.cpp is your source file that you want to compile.

g++ -o program program.cpp&program.exe

Use this shortcut to run the .exe file of the program. This might run in Linux but you may have to use .out suffix instead of .exe. Use this handy batch script to execute your programs on Windows:

@echo off&&cls
set /p pathName=Enter The Path where the file is located:%=%
cd %pathName%
REM set /p exec=Enter The Name of the executable you want to make:%=%
set /p file=Enter The Name of the file you want to compile:%=%
g++ -o %file% %file%.cpp

save it as cppExecutor.bat

Also you could use the following commands on Unix (Linux and Mac) OS:


If you want to use gcc:

gcc -o program program.cpp

With the shortcut:

gcc -o program program.cpp&program.exe

Sure, it's how most compilers got started. GCC is probably the most popular (comes with most flavors of *nix). Syntax is just gcc my_source_code.cpp, or gcc -o my_executable.exe my_source_code.cpp. It gets more complicated, of course, when you have multiple source files (as in implementation; anything #included works automatically as long as GCC can find it).

MinGW appears to be a version of GCC for Windows, if that's what you're using. I haven't tried it though.

Pretty sure most IDEs also include a command line interface. I know Visual Studio does, though I have never used it.