Drag-and-drop functionality no longer working after upgrade to 19.04

Solution 1:

Yup: https://gitlab.gnome.org/World/ShellExtensions/desktop-icons/issues/22

Just the most recent installment of the long, proud tradition of new GNOME releases breaking significant functionality used by many people. "Move fast and break things," and all that. sigh

Solution 2:

I've found a fix for this; you have to disable the experimental views. It can be done in the terminal by running:

gsettings set org.gnome.nautilus.preferences use-experimental-views false

Solution 3:

I am using Ubuntu 19.10 and have found another extension Desktop Icons NG (DING) by rastersoft which allows the contents of .~/desktop to be seen on the desktop. It also allows new folders to be made on the desktop via a right-click on the mouse and to drag and drop from Nautilus folders onto the desktop. It does not allow dragging from the desktop and dropping into a Nautilus folder.