Unable to change language at login

I cannot login because I cannot type English. I have tried many shortcuts other suggested but none of them helped me. I also tried recovery mode but I cannot type English even there and cannot do anything. Could you help me?


  1. logon to live session of Ubuntu.. (I have used Ubuntu 18.04 bootable USB)
  2. mount your root partition with below command (change sda5 with your root partition number)
    sudo mount /dev/sda5 /mnt
  3. open the file /mnt/etc/default/keyboard with below command
    sudo -H gedit /mnt/etc/default/keyboard
  4. The content in this file should look like similar to below, even if its not just make the content same like below.

Here: us=English us, jp=japanese, ru=russian. you can remove "us" if you dont want

  1. Save the file, Close.
  2. unmount the partition /dev/sda5 with below command
    sudo umount /mnt
  3. reboot to see all the 3 languages at login screen..