Manipulate the Default Shortcut Super+Space for Switching to Next Input Source without Graphical Representation

Solution 1:

With the help of @danzel, the link provided by him..

I have saved the below script as ~/ and created a shortcut with Super+Space as
/bin/bash /home/pratap/

enter image description here


CURRENT=`gdbus call --session --dest org.gnome.Shell --object-path /org/gnome/Shell --method org.gnome.Shell.Eval "imports.ui.status.keyboard.getInputSourceManager().currentSource.index"`

if [ "$CURRENT" == "(true, '1')" ]; then
  gdbus call --session --dest org.gnome.Shell --object-path /org/gnome/Shell --method org.gnome.Shell.Eval "imports.ui.status.keyboard.getInputSourceManager().inputSources[0].activate()"
  gdbus call --session --dest org.gnome.Shell --object-path /org/gnome/Shell --method org.gnome.Shell.Eval "imports.ui.status.keyboard.getInputSourceManager().inputSources[1].activate()"

now Super+Space is toggling the Languages without graphical representation which I was looking for..

enter image description here

thanks to @danzel once again