Unexpected Blast in Call of Duty 4

Solution 1:

One thing you should always keep in mind with Call of Duty games is that the action sequences are completely scripted. Basically, what that means is the game will keep throwing enemies at you or will otherwise not progress the level until you initiate a specific action. In this case, you are faced with this corridor:

Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare - Corridor filling with flammable gas

The corridor is filling up with flammable gas. Once you pass a specific point in this corridor, shortly after exiting one of the side corridors, Captain Price will say Go! Go! Go! This is your queue that the corridor will be detonated by the opposition. If you listen carefully, you can hear a countdown on the overhead speaker in Russian. You need to make a mad dash to the end of this corridor and exit it before Captain Price shuts the door. He will shout out Move! Move! right before he shuts the door.

I would suggest sprinting for this door as soon as you exit one of the side corridors and make it through the door before Captain Price shuts it, thus:

Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare - Exiting corridor before Captain Price shuts the door

Solution 2:

I know this is an old question, but as I can see, it has not been solved.

What you are describing is a simple case of bugged game. As mentioned in above answer, this game has no sandbox effect what so ever -- everything is scripted. And there are triggers, like everybody waits for you, while you wonder inside previously cleared room AND when you go near them -> past a trigger-point, then new objectives appear and everybody starts running..

In your case, this trigger is bugged.. You have to reinstall you game in this case. I normally know all the COD4 related glitches and cases, but this is something new..

Solution 3:

Are you going through both the corridors? You only need to go through one. Once you see Price and the others run through the hall, follow them. Don't keep going straight to the next one.