Can't search for terminal in Unity dash

I used to be able to search for terminal in 'Dash Home' and brings up terminal. However, this way doesn't work any more. 'Dash Home' does not even let me search for 'terminal'.

One thing, I have my home directory on a NTFS partition and shared with a Windows 7 dual boot. I don't know if Windows 7 caused the trouble.

Is there anyway I can get back 'terminal'? Without terminal, life is miserable.

  1. Try pressing Ctrl+Alt+T on your keyboard to bring up the terminal.
  2. Right-click the Terminal icon in the Unity bar and select Keep in launcher.

This worked for me:

  1. Press CtrlAltT to bring up the terminal
  2. Enter command:

    unity --reset-icons

    into the terminal and press enter. Your screen will flash for a second, but it will come back and work.

The issue you have is not related to Terminal. The issue is your Unity interface. To fix the issue try the following:

1) Launch Ubuntu Software Center.

2) Do a search for Unity.

3) Click where it says Interface designed for efficiency of space and interaction.

4) Then click More Info.

5) Then make sure that all the options are checked except CompizConfigSettings Manager.

6) Then scroll back up and apply the changes.

7) Restart your computer and try searching Terminal again.