How do you uninstall Modloader for Minecraft?

I was trying to install a mod for Minecraft, and it told me to install Modloader. I already had Forge installed, but I installed Modloader anyway, not knowing that the two mod loaders would clash. When I opened my Minecraft and logged in, it said Fatal Error, and it told me to uninstall one of the mod loaders.

I tried deleting Modloader, but that didn't do anything. I'm not really the tech-savvy type -- how can I completely remove Modloader?

If no-one else chimes in with a more elegant manner for cleanly removing modloader, what you can do is is delete the bin folder, which can be found in %appdata%\.minecraft\ on Windows, or ~/Library/Application Support/minecraft/ on OSX.

When you restart the client it will re-download the bin folder from the server.

Unfortunately this also means that you will need to re-install Forge and any other mods.

Open the Minecraft launcher, click 'Options' and then select 'Force Update'. This will force the launcher to download a new version of the minecraft.jar. Then, once this is done, simply re-install Forge. And there you go!

You will not have to re-install any Forge mods because they are stored in a different folder.