Can you use cleanse while being grabbed by Blitzcrank?
This is Blitzcrank. He has the ability to grab stuff (including champions):
This ability is a pain in bot lane.
I was just wondering. Can cleanse be used while being grabbed by Blitzcrank?
Bonus cookie: Is there anything that can stop the champion from being pulled and be used mid-grab?
EDIT on bonus cookie part: That includes champion abilities on both sides. Tho this was answered in comments, I was thinking towards skills like Anivias wall, LeeSins ulti, Alistars pulverize, Skarners ulti etc.
Solution 1:
I'll answer strictly for the bonus :)
Basically everyone is right when they tell you that no, cleanse will not work when being grabbed by blitzcrank. You can't use stuff "mid-grab", but you can use certain blinks when you see him start the ability which can then land you in some pretty weird situations.
Then, there's spell-shields. Morganna, Sivir and Nocturne's spell shields block the displacement of a blitz pull.
But one thing that hasn't been mentioned:
"Is there anything that can stop the champion from being pulled"
Absolutely, Banshee's Veil will do the trick! Underrated item!
EDIT speaking of bonus cookies, check This out, lol...
Solution 2:
Forced Movement effects are essentially suppressions for the duration of the movement. For knockups, this is until the champion lands. For x/z movement, it lasts until the movement finishes (or would have finished, since it's possible for a secondary forced movement effect to interrupt the first).
As such, there is no way to avoid or reduce forced movement, since summoner spells of all kinds are unavailable while stunned or suppressed.