stackoverflow points me "belongs-on-serverfault" on this, so crossposting.

I am frustrated of not having a good Linux GUI administration and development tool for PostgreSQL.

pgAdmin III is buggy and unusable piece of... hmm, software, compared to Windows-only PostgreSQL Maestro and EMS PostgreSQL manager.

phpPgaAmin does not looks promising.

EMS PostgreSQL manager can work under Wine, but such setup have a number of issues.

Requirements are:

  1. Table data editing and browsing for large tables (1M+), able to jump by FK or some master-slave editing, GUI filtering and so on.
  2. ER diagrams with in-place schema editing
  3. Schema editing and browsing with all useful GUI support
  4. Schema changes log to put into DB versioning (migrations script).
  5. Tabbed interface to be able to work with a number of tables and SQL queries at once.

And so on.

Any ideas?

Solution 1:

Try DBvisualizer from Minq Software ...

It's universal. It is Java based, and uses JDBC drivers to access just about any DB platform. It's a very mature product, and has commercial and freebie. I liked it so much, I splurged for the licensed copy!

Solution 2:

I use Navicat. They have a lite version that you can download for free that supports not only postgres, but MySQL as well. You can do things like copy tables from one database to another which is not supported under pgadmin3. Plus, it's more visually appealing, which is nice.

Solution 3:

TOra might be worth looking at. It's technically "Toolkit for Oracle", however it can also handle MySQL and PostgreSQL.