The driver descriptor says the physical block size is 2048 bytes, but Linux says it is 512 bytes

Solution 1:

The issue is very similar to the one below, most likely there was a dd command ran over the device that caused the mismatch descriptor.

Ask Ubuntu: Unable to delete USB Drive partitions (Block size error)

The problem you are describing was caused by a low-level device tool (like dd) writing blocks at the wrong size directly onto the device.

To fix this, you need to re-write the device blocks to the appropriate size. This can be done with dd. Double check your output device before running the commands:

sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdd bs=2048 count=32 && sync

Once the dd command is done, you should be able to access your device through gparted.

Solution 2:

I don't want to steal someone else's work; the original contributor is Damiön la Bagh here:

Be warned that by performing this procedure you will lose the data you have on your drive. When successful, you will end up with a usable drive, but no attempt is made here at recovering data from it.

Identify your USB drive's letter, then issue the command:

sudo wipefs --all /dev/sdN  

(replace N with your disks's drive letter; this command should complete instantly.)

Launch gparted now; select the USB stick, which will appear empty. You'll first have to create a new partition table (Device > Create partition table). If you're unsure you can choose 'msdos'. This should also complete in a second. Then you'll be able to create new partitions as usual.