Chrome doesn't remember browser sessions after restart


To fix this issue you need to unlock your keyring before launching chrome.

  1. Disconnect your Google account; go to chrome://settings click Disconnect your Google Account... check the box to clear local Chrome data, sign out and then close Chrome.
  2. Launch seahorse by typing seahorse into the terminal or open it from Menu>Passwords and Keys.
  3. In Default keyring delete Chrome Safe Storage and any enteries.
  4. Unlock the Default Keyring and Login by right clicking and clicking Unlock
  5. Launch Chrome, go to chrome://settings and click Sign in to Chrome

Hopefully this fixes your problem, I recently installed Linux Mint and this worked for me, I don't fully understand why but it seems Chrome does not wait for the keyring to unlock and this results in chrome not being signed in.

Reproduce This Issue

Steps to reproduce this issue:

  1. Install Linux (mint or otherwise) with cinnamon (on a VM or otherwise)
  2. Install Chrome and sign in
  3. Reboot
  4. Ensure Keyrings are locked - go to Passwords and Keys and lock all Keyrings
  5. Open chrome - you will be prompted to unlock the Keyring and sign in will fail

Maybe chrome is automatically clearing your cookies when you reboot.

Go to chrome://settings/content and under "Cookies" see if "Keep local data only until you quit your browser" is selected (like below).

Keep local data only until you quit your browser

If yes, then change it to "Allow local data to be set (recommended)", like so...

Allow local data to be set

Also, check if there are any Cookie exceptions under chrome://settings/contentExceptions#cookies [especially since you say 'On some websites, I'm still logged in.']

For example,

Cookie Exception

Try changing Behaviour from "Clear on exit" to "Allow"