Can't connect using NordVPN

I'm getting a "transport is closing" error when trying to use

nordvpn connect uk

I've tried these 2 commands from

sudo systemctl enable --now nordvpnd


sudo systemctl start nordvpnd 

I'm using Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS.

I tried setting the protocol to TCP:

nordvpn settings

Protocol: TCP
Kill Switch: disabled
CyberSec: disabled
Obfuscate: enabled
Auto connect: disabled
DNS: disabled

Any ideas?

Edit: 2019-04-05

I'm getting a different error message now but still unable to connect:

nordvpn connect uk
Connecting to United Kingdom #513 (
Whoops! We can't connect you to ''. Please try again. If the problem persists, contact our customer support.

nordvpn connect de
Connecting to Germany #316 (
Whoops! We can't connect you to ''. Please try again. If the problem persists, contact our customer support.

Solution 1:

There was an update of the NordVPN package today, now it's working fine again.

If you installed via the nordvpn repo, you can run this:

sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade

Solution 2:

Solution #1

First, try to re-install NordVPN.

To uninstall NordVPN, open a Terminal and type the following:

sudo apt-get --purge remove nordvpn*


sudo dpkg -P nordvpn
sudo dpkg -P nordvpn-release 

Now, install NordVPN again:

1) Download the NordVPN Linux client from their official downloads page or click on this direct link.

Alternatively, you can use this command and proceed straight to the step 3:

sudo wget -qnc

2) Open Terminal and run the following command:

sudo dpkg -i /pathToFile/nordvpn-release_1.0.0_all.deb

Make sure to replace /pathToFile/ with the path to your Downloads folder (or other location where the NordVPN file was downloaded).


sudo dpkg -i ~/Downloads/nordvpn-release_1.0.0_all.deb

You will be asked to enter your root password. Enter it, wait for the package installation to finish, and proceed to the next step.

3) Update the package list:

sudo apt update 

4) Install the NordVPN app:

sudo apt install nordvpn

5) Log in to your NordVPN account:

nordvpn login

6) Connect to a NordVPN server:

nordvpn connect

Solution #2

If the issue persists, no matter what server you are trying to connect to, there is a chance that there is an issue with the permissions of .config.ovpn. Execute the following commands:

$ sudo chattr -i -a /var/lib/nordvpn/data/.config.ovpn

$ sudo chmod ugo+w /var/lib/nordvpn/data/.config.ovpn