GridView bound with Properties of nested class

Solution 1:

Only immediate properties of an instance can be displayed in a BoundField column.

One must instead use DataBinder.Eval in an itemtemplate to access the nested property instead of assigning it to a boundfield.


        <p><%#DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "NestedClass.Name")%></p>

Alternatively, you can create a custom class which inherits BoundField and overrides GetValue to use DataBinder.Eval, as described in this blog post:

Solution 2:

This extension on BoundField calls DataBinder.Eval(), which does support nested properties:

public class BetterBoundField : BoundField
    protected override object GetValue(Control controlContainer)
        if (DataField.Contains("."))
            var component = DataBinder.GetDataItem(controlContainer);
            return DataBinder.Eval(component, DataField);
        return base.GetValue(controlContainer);