Fastest way to shutdown Ubuntu Mate 18.10

I'm looking for a "one click" way to shutdown Ubuntu Mate 18.10. I don't want to:

  1. Click the Gear / Settings / ??? whatever you call it
  2. Select Shutdown
  3. Click on Shutdown because that's REALLY what I want to do.

I'm pretty confident that when I want to shutdown my dang computer, I want to shut it down. I don't need to click 3 times. Just 1 click and get up and leave my desk.

Can someone tell me if there's a way to get a 1 click shutdown?

Solution 1:

On Ubuntu, the command shutdown now allows you to shut down the system without being a root user. For a one-click solution in Mate, associate this command to a panel launcher.

Beware not to click this by accident, because it will heavily disrupt your work. But then, you asked a one-click solution.

For a two-click solution, Mate might still might offer a "traditional" shut down button you can add to the panel next to the 'Gear' icon. If not, then you still can create your own two-click shut-down launcher for mate-session-save --shutdown-dialog (gnome-session-quit --power-off for Gnome users).

Solution 2:

How about a keyboard shortcut?

Go to your keyboard settings - for me, that's Settings ⇒ Devices ⇒ Keyboard(not sure what it is in Mate, but should be quite similar), scroll down to the bottom and click the + to add a new

Then, name it, the command you'll want is sudo poweroff (or sudo shutdown now does the same thing, really) - and set it to whatever keyboard shortcut you want. I recommend super+h, since that's not taken by default, and since super+l is lock- but obviously, you can do whatever you want.... including maping it to an F-key of your choice.