Equivalent of ".gitignore" file with Subversion [duplicate]

I am being forced to work with Subversion on a current project.

Someone has unkindly added the bin and obj folders to the repository.

Other than removing them, and committing the removal, is there an equivalent of .gitignore file I can add to the repository to make the guilty party in the development team never add them again?

I know I can alter my own global ignore pattern, but ideally I'd like the whole development team to be able to share this on a project level.

This is done by a svn:ignore property in SVN. This property can be added to a folder. Let us imagine the following:

 +-- root
       +-- bin
       +-- ...

to ignore the bin folder you have to set the svn:ignore property onto the root folder. First change into the root folder and do the following on command line:

svn propset svn:ignore "bin" .

Or you can do this via TortoiseSVN on Windows (file->properties->Subversion Tab).. Further reading in the Subversion book.

I have just started with Android Studio and I ended up editing the svn:ignore property in the GUI. I used the Edit Properties in the Subversion menu and added a whole bunch of ignores which were mentioned in other posts.

enter image description here

Below is what I ignored and Android Studio marked these visually with different colour after I edited the property.

# built application files

# files for the dex VM

# Java class files

# generated files

# Local configuration file (sdk path, etc)

# Eclipse project files

# Android Studio


svn propset svn:ignore 'file you want to ignore'

See Properties.

Also check out the global-ignores configuration option.