HTTP Status 404 - on Eclipse with Tomcat

Solution 1:

I have seen your link.

When ever you run any dynamic web project. By default Servlet container (which is Tomcat in this case) searches for files specified in wel-come list. Check your web.xml, it should contains entry like


You haven't created file from any of the above list. So, running

http://localhost:8080/TEST2 will give you 404 error.

Rather run : http://localhost:8080/TEST2/HelloSerlvet will invoke the servlet which you have created.

Edit: Check Project Menu of eclipse and verify "Build Automatically" is checked and Servlet container is running (http://localhost:8080).

Edit 2: Right Click Project --> Properties, Select Java Build Path --> source Tab --> Change Default output folder. Create /WEB-INF/classes under /WebContent (default in eclipse)

Solution 2:

This is based on the answer from Hardik Mishra with some highlights: 1. From the file explorer (not from Eclipse), Manually create the "/WEB-INF/classes" under /WebContent 2. Right Click Project --> Properties, Select Java Build Path --> source Tab --> Change Default output folder to the folder you just created above. 3. go to the file explorer, not from Eclipse, since the Eclipse "project Explorer" may have some filters that doesnot show the classes folder. You should see the .class files compiled under this directory

Try to test it again. If it does not work, restart Eclipse for one time and then it should work.

Solution 3:

I have been seeing these types of issue for quite sometime and have seen multiple solutions which work for some and rest still face the same issue.

One of the simple solution is traverse to the .java/.jsp/etc., right click and select run from server option.

I found this solution to be simple yet effective way of running.

path Java Resource->src->->>right click-->run as-->run on server.

Even after this also you can face few issues like port 8005 not available, please follow the below link to clean out your current Apache setting and re-setting the same.

TOMCAT - HTTP Status 404

Deployment error:Starting of Tomcat failed, the server port 8080 is already in use

Hope this finding was helpful.