Solution 1:

To find out the number of zeroes at the end of that huge number, we just have to find out the exponent of $10$ in it.
Since $10=2\cdot 5$, we can just find out the exponent of $5$ in that number as the exponent of $2$ will be more than $5$.
All the numbers which have $5$ as their factor will be counted.
These numbers would be
We know that all numbers except $25,50$ and $75$ will only contribute themselves as the exponent, whereas the aforementioned numbers, will contribute double of themselves.
So, we have
$$(5+10+\cdots+95)+(75+50+25)=\frac{19}{2}(5+95) + 150=1100$$

Solution 2:

There as many zeros as the number of the factors of 5 in the product: So we need to check the subproduct $$ 5^5\cdot 10^{10}\cdots 95^{95} $$ We have $5+10+15+\cdot+95=5(1+2+\cdots+19)=950$. And we have missed the case where we have two factors: $25,50,75$. So we have another $25+50+75=150$. Altogether $950+150=1100$.