League of legends Tristana strategy

So i've heared of using tristana her jump in teamfights to jump behind the enemy their ad/ap carry and ult them towards my team. I can definitely see the advantage in this but what im wondering is how do you get out safe again? You just used 2 of your skills to get behind their team and your team will be busy for a few seconds killing the propelled ad/ap carry. So that leaves only you vs 4 enemy champs. How do you survive/manage this situation?

It is a pretty risky tactic, but if your team kill the enemy ADC you shot towards them quick enough, your rocket jump spell will be instantly off of cooldown, so you can jump back into your own team. You could also flash back into your team if you took that summoner spell.

Rocket Jump | RANGE: 900 | COOLDOWN: 22 / 20 / 18 / 16 / 14 | COST: 80 mana

ACTIVE: Tristana fires at the ground to propel herself to a target location, dealing magic damage and slowing surrounding units by 60% for 2.5 seconds when she lands.

On kills or assists, Rocket Jump's cooldown resets.

It is a very risky move, however. Doing so when the enemy has hard CC can be suicidal. As with any team fight, positioning is key and keeping track of which abilities the enemy team has already used is probably a good idea.

This is a strategy that I've seen employed mostly by AP Tristana with a Zhonya's Hourglass, sometimes to great effect. These abilities scale very well with AP, 80% and 150% respectively, and even if you don't secure the kill immediately, you can activate Zhonya's Hourglass for an extra 2.5 seconds for your team to pick it up, granting you the reset you need to safely escape, to chase a fleeing team, or to jump on another squishy target.