Handlers and memory leaks in Android
Please have a look at the code below:
public class MyGridFragment extends Fragment{
Handler myhandler = new Handler() {
public void handleMessage(Message message) {
switch (message.what) {
case 2:
ArrayList<HashMap<String,String>> theurls = (ArrayList<HashMap<String,String>>) message.obj;
When I use handler like this I get a warning "handler should be static, else it is prone to memory leaks." Can someone tell me what is the best way to do this?
Solution 1:
I recently updated something similar in my own code. I just made the anonymous Handler class a protected inner class and the Lint warning went away. See if something like the below code will work for you:
public class MyGridFragment extends Fragment{
static class MyInnerHandler extends Handler{
WeakReference<MyGridFragment> mFrag;
MyInnerHandler(MyGridFragment aFragment) {
mFrag = new WeakReference<MyGridFragment>(aFragment);
public void handleMessage(Message message) {
MyGridFragment theFrag = mFrag.get();
switch (message.what) {
case 2:
ArrayList<HashMap<String,String>> theurls = (ArrayList<HashMap<String,String>>) message.obj;
}//end switch
MyInnerHandler myHandler = new MyInnerHandler(this);
You may have to change where I put "theFrag." as I could only guess as to what those referenced.
Solution 2:
Here's a somewhat useful little class I made that you can use. Sadly it's still quite verbose because you can't have anonymous static inner classes.
import java.lang.ref.WeakReference;
import android.os.Handler;
import android.os.Message;
/** A handler which keeps a weak reference to a fragment. According to
* Android's lint, references to Handlers can be kept around for a long
* time - longer than Fragments for example. So we should use handlers
* that don't have strong references to the things they are handling for.
* You can use this class to more or less forget about that requirement.
* Unfortunately you can have anonymous static inner classes, so it is a
* little more verbose.
* Example use:
* private static class MsgHandler extends WeakReferenceHandler<MyFragment>
* {
* public MsgHandler(MyFragment fragment) { super(fragment); }
* @Override
* public void handleMessage(MyFragment fragment, Message msg)
* {
* fragment.doStuff(msg.arg1);
* }
* }
* // ...
* MsgHandler handler = new MsgHandler(this);
public abstract class WeakReferenceHandler<T> extends Handler
private WeakReference<T> mReference;
public WeakReferenceHandler(T reference)
mReference = new WeakReference<T>(reference);
public void handleMessage(Message msg)
if (mReference.get() == null)
handleMessage(mReference.get(), msg);
protected abstract void handleMessage(T reference, Message msg);
Solution 3:
Per the ADT 20 Changes, it looks like you should make it static.
New Lint Checks:
Check to make sure that Fragment classes are instantiatable. If you accidentally make a fragment innerclass non-static, or forget to have a default constructor, you can hit runtime errors when the system attempts to reinstantiate your fragment after a configuration change.
Look for handler leaks: This check makes sure that a handler inner class does not hold an implicit reference to its outer class.