Create Copy-Path Keyboard Shortcut Windows 10

Looking for a way to copy a file path with a keyboard shortcut. For example, I would like to hit ctrlshiftc and have the selected file or folder's full path copy to the clipboard.

I am aware that I can right click, hold shift and select copy path, but I find myself doing this often, so I would like a faster way.

On Windows 10, you can use the Quick Access Toolbar on Windows Explorer.

Select the file in question, and in the Home tab in the Ribbon find "Copy Path". Right click and then select "Add to Quick Access Toolbar".

Quick Access Ribbon

Now you can use the Alt shortcuts built into the Quick Access Toolbar to copy path with one key command. Pressing the alt button will show the number associated with the command. By default it will probably be Alt + 3.

In Explorer, you can use a keyboard shortcut "chord" to copy it to the clipboard:

Shift+≣ Menu, a

Menu key:

Menu Key

You many also want to check out the various answers provided in this older SU question for some ideas:

  • Copy filename to clipboard

It might not be a keyboard shortcut, but you can show the full path in the folder window. Just enable it in the Folder Options.

  1. Open "Folder Options"
  2. Click on the "View" Tab
  3. Click the check box that says "Display the full path in the title bar".

Then you can simply click at the top where the folder location is displayed and it will allow you to select it and then CtrlC to copy it to the clipboard.

Maybe that will help.