What changes occur in New Game+?

In the "Dead Island" (DI) video-game, what changes occur in New Game+ (NG+), in comparison to the first playthrough?

Acceptable: In particular, I want to know how prices are affected. Someone asserted that diamonds sell for more ($1.65K) rather than $1.5K because of how many times that they've beaten the game.

I am otherwise familiar with the end-game. I don't think it matters but I play on the "OnLive" platform.

At a high level / most important, these are the changes when starting with New Game+:

  • Collectibles are carried over, such as collected skulls or weapon mod blueprint. Items you got for collectibles will not re-appear on your side of a co-op or SP game.

  • Your skills / weapon mastery are kept

Some other tweaks include:

  • You start on the beach with Castaway (you don't play through the ship again).

  • All your items on your person and in Henry's storage are accessible

  • Team quests results are not saved / carried over.

  • If you decide to start a New Game with the same character, you can chapter select and start at a pre-set level (increases as you go up in chapters) but all your missions (sides, continuous, team) are reset.

I don't remember the diamond price being different (or much different, memory little fuzzy) on my second play through. Nor can I found any mention of diamond prices changing in New Game+ on the Internets.