Setting custom bullet styles at different indent levels in Pages 5.0

I am trying to set my bullets so that they are different at each of three indent levels in Pages 5.0. An example is like this:

enter image description here

I can accomplish this by manually changing the "Bullet:" tab on the format bar every time I indent:

enter image description here

As you can imagine, this is not an efficient way to work. I would like to create a setting/style where the bullets would automatically change when I hit "tab". I have attempted to update the "Bullet" style in the "Bullets & Lists" dropdown, but it can only set all of the indents to one bullet type.

Is there any way to change this so that whenever I hit "tab" my bullets change from:

• --> ◦ --> -

This feature was available in Pages '09, but I cannot seem to find it in 5.0.

Solution 1:

It seems like Apple eventually added this feature to Pages 5. The following works for me in Pages version 5.2.2 (1877):

In case you've changed the style of any Bullet & List style, an asterisk (*) appears after the name of the style:


If you open the drop down list, you'll see an update button:


You can either press the update button, or click on the arrow next to it and select 'Update stlye' from the popup menu (featuring other options like clear, rename or delete):