Formula for diplomacy in Civ 5?

Since the AI in Civilization 5 are, as their name suggests, artificial, that means that all their actions are determined by numbers and formulas.

That would include the diplomacy between the AI and the player.

So what is the formula that determines the AI's view of the player?

For instance, I found this thread on the Civilization fanatics forum that details how the "warmonger" part of diplomacy is factored.

It says that the warmonger score with another civilization is caluclated by: (other civilization's warmonger hate factor) * (5 * (declarations of war against major civilizations) + 10 * (major civilizations conquered) + 5 * (declarations of war against minor civilizations) + 10 * (minor civilizations conquered)) This score then corresponds to several levels, 200 + is critical, 150-200 is severe, 100-150 is major, 50-100 is minor, and less than 50 is none. Critical then corresponds to -100 diplo points with that civilization, severe is -70, major is -40, and minor is -15.

To put that in comparison a declaration of friendship gives +35 diplo points.

So what other formulas can be taken from the XML files to determine the overall diplomatic calculation?

Solution 1:

Civ V , like any game, has an (in this case quite large) element of randomness. At the start of each game (and every time you load a save if the specific option is selected when you set up a game), a pseudorandom seed is generated, which determines many actions in game.
This is easily shown by early game combat scenarios, ie. problems with barbarians in my games as Brazil. Sometimes I can destroy a barbarian encampment with one Archer, and sometimes I need another unit. Diplomacy is also governed by this random seed. Although each AI civ has a specific personality, their actions are also determined by the seed.