Word Prediction like Android "keyboard"

You are looking in the wrong place. If what you want is a keyboard that can replace the android keyboard (with word prediction), there are plenty:

Florence & xvkbd

Florence is especially nice if you use GNOME.

Other options are available as well.

Unfortunately, what you REALLY are looking for is word prediction from your already existing dumb keyboard. See, on android and other screens, you input using virtual keyboards. On Desktops/Laptops, you have ACTUAL keyboards, which are different, and functionality can't be added to them once produced.

Virtual keyboards can be replaced, upgraded and functionality added. So, both the systems have that.

Lastly, a hybrid does exists, TextSuggest , a program that shows completions for the word selected or (optionally) currently being typed (from its description). You have to hit a global shortcut for it showup, much like tab-completion on terminals.

enter image description here Florence with pretty decorations

Please consider Ibus-typing-booster. From the project home page introduction:

Ibus-typing-booster is a completion input method to speedup typing.

The project was started in 2010 for Fedora 15. The original purpose was to make typing of Indic languages easier and faster by providing completion and spell checking suggestions.

You should try pyprompter:

pyprompter displays predictions in a contextual pop-up box as each letter is typed. Predictions can be easily selected and inserted in the document.

It is based on Presage, which is "an intelligent predictive text entry system."

It should work online and offline.