Audio not working for Gnome Screencast Ctrl + Alt + Shift + R

Solution 1:

I never heard that gnome-shell screencast record video AND audio.

In this case you can record with an another software in background or choosing an another application like recordMyDesktop.

Solution 2:

I found a solution that worked in my case. Open terminal Ctrl+Alt+T and run the following command:

gsettings set pipeline "queue ! videorate ! vp8enc quality=8 speed=6  threads=%T ! mux. pulsesrc ! audio/x-raw-int ! queue ! audioconvert !
vorbisenc ! mux. webmmux name=mux"

OR do it with dconf Editor, and then you'll have to modify the file: /usr/share/gnome-shell/js/ui/main.js in line 110 (I think) replace:




After that, you can decide what stream of audio (internal or external) you want in recorder installing pavucontrol.

I hope that this would help.