Looking for server monitoring app... nothing fancy.. for Windows [duplicate]

Solution 1:

Our PA Server Monitor product is (IMO) very easy and will do exactly what you're after.

Solution 2:

Check out Nagios, http://www.nagios.org/, its pretty much the gold standard in monitoring.

It has a *nix heritage, but it does support windows.

Solution 3:

Have you tried PRTG Network Monitor? It can monitor web servers. It also has a built-in SQL database monitoring (mySQL, MS-SQL, Oracle). For SMTP/POP monitoring, you can set up a "round-trip-sensor" that sends an email via SMTP and checks whether it reaches your POP server.

I monitor a few server ports with the freeware version. For easy setup there's a nice web interface included. There, you FIRST create your servers ("devices") and THEN (on the "device") you set up the "sensors" you want.

PRTG also sends notifications when one of your servers is down. And you can see nice statistics and graphs for up to one year in the past! You see, I love it! ;-)

Maybe the freeware version is already sufficient for you. It supports 10 "sensors", which could basicly be 4 ping sensors, one email sensor, one ftp login sensor and 4 SQL query sensors or similar.

Freeware download at http://www.paessler.com/prtg/download

Solution 4:

I use monitoring tool "munin", it is easy and light. I'm Linux admin, and it is Linux tool, but it can monitor Windows also, see official site. (Sorry, but I'm newman here and I can't give you several links). I didn't check it in Windows.