What did "cinema" mean before cinema was invented?

I was attempting to find out the other day why cinema is spelt with a 'c' and not a 'k', as its etymology would seem to require. While doing so I noticed that the word cinema was used long before it could have had the current meaning, because cinema hadn't been invented. See here:-

enter image description here

Looking for definitions in the online dictionaries turned up the current meaning, variously dated C19, 1895-1900 or 1909, and no other meaning.

So what did cinema mean in the earlier 19th Century, and briefly around 1705?

Solution 1:

My guess would be an early version of kinematics, before the spelling settled down; see Etymology of 'kinematics'. (That only began around 1840, but as others have said, pre-19th century Google Books results are unreliable: all those steam-driven computers.)