Identifying the version of ATI Catalyst drivers

Solution 1:

Download and run SIW. In the left-hand navigation pane under Hardware, highlight Video. And here's a list and download links for older versions, going back about one year.

Here's a list of Previous Catalyst™ Drivers and ATI Multimedia Software for Windows XP Professional/Home Edition (which includes the internal version). There's a similar list for Vista 64-bit (but there isn't any internal version listed here), but I suppose they are pretty much the same version numbers. From that list I gather your current driver is from the Catalyst Suite 9.11. The current Catalyst Suite 10.2 features the internal version 8.70.

Solution 2:

This part tells you the version:

Catalyst™ Control Center Version 2009.1110.2225.40230

Catalyst is currently released on a monthly basis and the version number is year.month as integers.

The above number says this build was done on November 10 2009 so the version is 9.11.

Is this the driver you downloaded?