Your thread's locale is set to one in which the decimal mark is "," instead of ".".

Try using this:

float.Parse("41.00027357629127", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.NumberFormat);

Note, however, that a float cannot hold that many digits of precision. You would have to use double or Decimal to do so.

First, it is just a presentation of the float number you see in the debugger. The real value is approximately exact (as much as it's possible).

Note: Use always CultureInfo information when dealing with floating point numbers versus strings.


This is just an example; choose an appropriate culture for your case.

You can use the following:

float asd = (float) Convert.ToDouble("41.00027357629127");

Use Convert.ToDouble("41.00027357629127");

Convert.ToDouble documentation

The precision of float is 7 digits. If you want to keep the whole lot, you need to use the double type that keeps 15-16 digits. Regarding formatting, look at a post about formatting doubles. And you need to worry about decimal separators in C#.