Disable CTRL-SHIFT-U on 18.04.2. I uninstalled ibus and the combo still works?

Solution 1:

There is a way Without making system-wide changes which may cause unwelcome side effects. Run IDEA with environment variable XMODIFIERS set to empty. There are a few ways to do that:

  1. Run IDEA from command line or a script as follows:

    XMODIFIERS="" /path/to/idea/bin/idea.sh
  2. Edit idea.sh and add the following line at the top:

    export XMODIFIERS=""
  3. Edit Gnome desktop entry for IDEA at ~/.local/share/applications/jetbrains-idea.desktop and precede the Exec line like:

    Exec=env XMODIFIERS="" "/path/to/idea/bin/idea.sh" %f

Either will do. The last one is for launching IDEA by clicking on its icon from the dock while the others would work from command line too. Just keep in mind if the first method is used with an intermittent script, the desktop entry created by IDEA wouldn't point to this script. So you may want to alter the path at the Exec line so it points to your script or use method 2. This method though would need be re-applied each time you install new version of IDEA.

My solution to do it once is:

  1. Install IDEA into folder like some/path/idea/idea-IU-192.6817.14
  2. Run IDEA and create desktop entry for it (menu Tools)
  3. Link given IDEA version under current folder

    ln -s some/path/idea/idea-IU-192.6817.14 some/path/idea/current
  4. Edit ~/.local/share/applications/jetbrains-idea.desktop and change Exec line

    Exec=env XMODIFIERS="" "some/path/idea/current/bin/idea.sh" %f

Whenever you download a new version of IDEA just link it as current and no need to repeat these steps. Obviously extracting new versions of IDEA always to the same folder and replacing the previous version would work as well without linking.

Solution 2:

This is a bug listed here:


The solution that I found is to remove the ibus package:

$ sudo apt-get remove ibus
$ sudo apt-get purge ibus

Go to updates and set the repository for focal fossa version for Ubuntu and remove the remanescent eoan

Go to updates and set the repository for focal fossa version for Ubuntu and remove the remanescent eoan and reinstall ibus:

sudo apt-get install ibus

Go to language suport and set the iBus method, for user and root

In the terminal for user and root:


and change the shortcuts in the emoji tab

In the terminal for user and root:


and set ibus

For user in the terminal:

gedit .bashrc

Include the following lines at the end:

export GTK_IM_MODULE=ibus
export XMODIFIERS=@im=ibus
export QT_IM_MODULE=ibus

Solution 3:

It releated with ibus shortcuts, remove those shortcuts with:

gsettings set org.freedesktop.ibus.panel.emoji hotkey "[]"
gsettings set org.freedesktop.ibus.panel.emoji unicode-hotkey  "[]"