Comma usage around the word 'still.'

When I read the following sentence out loud to myself, it seems to me that there should be a brief pause before and after the word 'still,' based on how it is being used in the sentence. However, I am unsure as to how commas should be placed around this word (if at all) to create the correct effect:

"What initially motivated me to explore the field of robotics was the realization of the, still, countless opportunities for robots to play a role in people's lives, and have a significant positive impact in doing so."

Is my comma usage correct?

Solution 1:

Nope! There is no call for commas there. "Still" is acting as an adjective in this case, letting the reader know that those opportunities persist. Don't worry that "countless" is also an adjective modifying "opportunities". They are not coordinate adjectives, and so do not require separation.

Your other comma placement (before the second item in a two-item list) is also ill-advised.