How can I access case-sensitive paths on Windows (created with Bash-on-Ubuntu-on-Windows)?

You can't access to those folders in Explorer, simply because the Win32 subsystem doesn't support case sensitivity, and Explorer doesn't support POSIX subsystem

Build 14361

For general Windows information on build 14361 visit the Windows Blog.

To track or report an issue visit our Github page.


  • DrvFs is now case sensitive when running in Bash on Ubuntu on Windows.

  • Users may case.txt and CASE.TXT on their /mnt/c drives

  • Case sensitivity is only supported within Bash on Ubuntu on Windows. When outside of Bash NTFS will report the files correctly, but unexpected behavior may occur interacting with the files from Windows.

  • The root of each volume (i.e. /mnt/c) is not case sensitive

  • More information on handling these files in Windows can be found here.