How to set specific color to JavaFX XYChart.Series?

I am trying to style my JavaFX linechart, but can't find any way to set color to specific series. I know, that I can style via CSS, but I can't find how to set ID or CLASS to my series.

Can anyone give me a clue on:

  1. How to set a color to linecharts?
  2. How to set a css class to series?

In general the way preferred way to style charts is without code, using only css stylesheets as jschoen recommends. Additionally, if further customization is required, you can use css lookups from code to dig into the the nodes generated from series data and apply various additional css styling.

Here is information about dynamically changing a JavaFX line chart style and a sample program to go with the answer. In the sample app, all of the additional css styling is done via a setStyle call from code. Using a similar lookup technique, you could get access to the series nodes to apply an appropriate stylesheet styleclass rather than a setStyle call.

How to set a color to linecharts?

Here's a simple way to AreaChart or LineChart

XYChart chart = new AreaChart();
Series series = new Series();

Node fill = series.getNode().lookup(".chart-series-area-fill"); // only for AreaChart
Node line = series.getNode().lookup(".chart-series-area-line");

Color color = Color.RED; // or any other color

String rgb = String.format("%d, %d, %d",
        (int) (color.getRed() * 255),
        (int) (color.getGreen() * 255),
        (int) (color.getBlue() * 255));

fill.setStyle("-fx-fill: rgba(" + rgb + ", 0.15);");
line.setStyle("-fx-stroke: rgba(" + rgb + ", 1.0);");

I found a this Oracle Document on Styling charts with CSS and on that page scroll down to Setting Chart Colors for what you are specifically looking for.

How to set a color to linecharts?

The simplest way for this is the following CSS snippet:

.default-color0.chart-series-line { -fx-stroke: #e9967a; }
.default-color1.chart-series-line { -fx-stroke: #f0e68c; }
.default-color2.chart-series-line { -fx-stroke: #dda0dd; }

This unfortunately will not work by id or which series, but rather the order the series are placed in the graph. You can also set the line styles though by doing:

.chart-series-line {    
    -fx-stroke-width: 2px;
    -fx-effect: null;

How to set a css class to series?

Unfortunately I do not see a way to do that. It would be nice to be able to create CSS rules based off the XYChart.Series name property, but I do not think that is possible.

jewelsea's answer seems to state that you have to put a style-class on every node of the series. I'm using the following code to style the series of an area chart and only assign a class to the node associated with the series.

Example code is in Scala, but should be easy to translate.

When creating the series, I add a series-specific style class:

 val s = new XYChart.Series[Number, Number]() //create a new series
   s.setName(seriesName)                      //set its name (display in legend)
   s.getNode.getStyleClass.add("series-" + seriesName) //add specific style class

Then inside the CSS file I do the following to change the fill color of the series butterwings:

.series-butterwings *.chart-series-area-fill{
    -fx-fill: #aab597; 

This works, because the node for the series area is below the series node (which is a group in case of area chart).