How can I do text-to-columns in Numbers?

I've got a column where each cell in the column contains two different pieces of data separated by a known delimiter ", ". How can I split each cell in this column around the delimiter?


ABC, 123
FOO, 666
ROFL, 411

I want

-------    -------
ABC        123
FOO        666
ROFL       411

Solution 1:

You can also replace the delimiters with tabs:

  1. Copy the cells and paste them to a new TextEdit document.
  2. Replace ", " with tab. You can insert a tab by pressing option-tab.
  3. Copy and paste the text back to Numbers.

Solution 2:

You can do this directly in Numbers.

First, add two empty columns after the column with the data you want to split.

If the first piece of data you want to split is in cell B2 and is separated by a space, then use this formula in the empty cell C2: =LEFT(B2, FIND(" ",B2)) If the data is separated by a comma, then replace " " with ",".

In the empty cell D2, paste this formula: =RIGHT(B2, LEN(B2)−FIND(" ", B2))

If your data is separated by a comma followed by a space, then use this: =RIGHT(B2, LEN(B2)−FIND(",", B2)-1)

Hope this helps.