Bash on Ubuntu on Windows Mount Network Share

WSL has been under heavy development and it now supports mounting network shared folders:

sudo mkdir /mnt/s
sudo mount -t drvfs '\\192.168.x.x\Share' /mnt/s
cd /mnt/s
git init

Old answer

I'm actually answering your comment here:

I'm looking for a solution or workaround to the issue (such as another program) that will allow me to run git inside a folder on the share.

Use Cygwin:

net use V: \\\\192.168.x.x\\Share
cd /cygdrive/v
git init

Or cmder:

net use V: \\192.168.x.x\Share
git init

Or git-scm.

I used:

sudo mount -t drvfs \\path\to\server\share /mnt/u

Where /mnt/u had already been created.

Since I log connect to bash with my domain credentials, no need for adding creds nanoto command. Read and write works with my permissions.

Now to get it to mount using fstab...