How to get calendar Quarter from a date in TSQL

I have different dates in a column. For example:


I want to convert these dates in Year and calendar quarter. E.g.,

Year      Quarter
2008      2008-Q1
2007      2007-Q3

I can get the first column with:

select left(date,4) as year from table 

How can I produce the second column?

Solution 1:


This returns the quarter of the @date, assuming @date is a DATETIME.

Solution 2:


Solution 3:

Here's how I do it. Pretty brief and doesn't rely on temp tables.

CAST(year(TheDate) AS char(4)) + '-Q' + 
CAST(CEILING(CAST(month(TheDate) AS decimal(9,2)) / 3) AS char(1))

As an example:

SELECT convert(char(10), getdate(), 101) AS TheDate, 
CAST(year(getdate()) AS char(4)) + '-Q' + 
    CAST(CEILING(CAST(month(getdate()) AS decimal(4,2)) / 3) AS char(1)) AS SelectQuarter 

This will return:

TheDate    SelectQuarter
---------- -------------
07/10/2013 2013-Q3

Obviously the string itself can be changed to suit your own format. Hope this is helpful.

Solution 4:

Here is another option. Use a CTE to define the months of the quarter and then join to it to determine the quarter:

WITH Quarters AS (
   SELECT Q = 'Q1', MonthBegin = 1, MonthEnd = 3 UNION
   SELECT Q = 'Q2', MonthBegin = 4, MonthEnd = 6 UNION
   SELECT Q = 'Q3', MonthBegin = 7, MonthEnd = 9 UNION
   SELECT Q = 'Q4', MonthBegin = 10, MonthEnd = 12
   [Year] = DATEPART(yyyy, CONVERT(DATETIME, Dates.[date])),
   [Quarter] = CONVERT(VARCHAR(4), DATEPART(yyyy, CONVERT(DATETIME, Dates.[date]))) + '-' + q.Q
   ) AS Dates ([date])
   INNER JOIN Quarters q ON
      DATEPART(m, CONVERT(DATETIME, Dates.[date])) >= q.MonthBegin AND
      DATEPART(m, CONVERT(DATETIME, Dates.[date])) <= q.MonthEnd;


Year  Quarter
----- ----------
2008  2008-Q1
2007  2007-Q3

SQL Fiddle

Handle column type of int (04/23/2014):

WITH Quarters AS (
    SELECT Q = 'Q1', MonthBegin = 1, MonthEnd = 3 UNION
    SELECT Q = 'Q2', MonthBegin = 4, MonthEnd = 6 UNION
    SELECT Q = 'Q3', MonthBegin = 7, MonthEnd = 9 UNION
    SELECT Q = 'Q4', MonthBegin = 10, MonthEnd = 12
    [Year] = DATEPART(yyyy, CONVERT(DATETIME, CONVERT(VARCHAR(8), Dates.[date]))),
    [Quarter] = CONVERT(VARCHAR(4), DATEPART(yyyy, CONVERT(DATETIME, CONVERT(VARCHAR(8), Dates.[date])))) + '-' + q.Q
    ) AS Dates ([date])
    INNER JOIN Quarters q ON
        DATEPART(m, CONVERT(DATETIME, CONVERT(VARCHAR(8), Dates.[date]))) >= q.MonthBegin AND
        DATEPART(m, CONVERT(DATETIME, CONVERT(VARCHAR(8), Dates.[date]))) <= q.MonthEnd;

Solution 5:

Since your date field data is in int you will need to convert it to a datetime:

declare @date int
set @date = 20080102

SELECT Datename(quarter, Cast(left(@date, 4) + '-' 
    + substring(cast(@date as char(8)), 5, 2) + '-' 
    + substring(cast(@date as char(8)), 7, 2) as datetime)) as Quarter


SELECT Datename(quarter, Cast(left(@date, 4) + '-' 
    + substring(cast(@date as char(8)), 5, 2) + '-' 
    + right(@date, 2) as datetime)) as quarter

Then if you want the Q1 added:

SELECT left(@date, 4) + '-Q' + Convert(varchar(1), Datename(quarter, Cast(left(@date, 4) + '-' 
    + substring(cast(@date as char(8)), 5, 2) + '-' 
    + right(@date, 2) as datetime))) as quarter

My advice would be to store your date data as a datetime so then you do not need to perform these conversions.