How do I remove VS Code & settings from Ubuntu?

Solution 1:

Try renaming ~/.config/Code/User/settings.json.

Or just move/delete the folders ~/.config/Code and ~/.vscode.

You may want to backup any code snippets in ~/.config/Code/User/snippets/

See also: Visual Studio Code User and Workspace Settings

Solution 2:

Remove software

  • If you installed via Snap:

    $sudo snap remove vscode

  • If you installed via apt:

    $sudo apt-get purge code

  • If you installed via Ubuntu Software, open Ubuntu Software, look for the app in the installed category, and click on remove.

Remove settings

$cd ~ && rm -rf .vscode && rm -rf .config/Code

Solution 3:

Go to /usr/share and find the installation folder of VS Code, which is code-insiders/ for an insider preview and code for a regular installation. Remove the folder which you don't find necessary.
Don't forget to remove the start menu entry in /usr/share/applications/

To remove the application settings go to your home folder and remove the .vscode folder.

Also if you want to backup your user settings before all this, try the settings sync extension.