How to enable guest sessions on Ubuntu 18.04 or later?

Solution 1:

Is there any way you could revive Guest Sessions in a future LTS distro?

You seem to believe we can get this back into a distribution but we are just users (except for a couple of people that are also employees of Canonical).

And if you want it back: install LightDM.

sudo apt install lightdm

Create a configuration file

sudo gedit /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf.d/50-enable-guest.conf 

and copy the contents below to it:


Reboot the computer and pick lightdm at the login screen.

Do read the wiki page CustomizeGuestSession and the discussion on removing guest accounts.

Before you start using it: Guest Account is NOT secure: the data from normal users on the system is not secure from the guest. The same goes for the data from the guest. And the guest can view system files.