Is it possible to have tabs in the new windows 10 bash terminal?

Is it possible to have tabs in the new windows 10 bash terminal? It would be really useful.

ConEmu can run various shells, including Bash on Ubuntu on Windows and supports tabs (among many other niceties).

I am using the terminator to use the windows 10 bash. You just need to install the Xming and the terminator with apt-get

I'm using Hyper, which has tabs. To use with WSL (bash) you need to edit the preferences file:

shell: 'C:\\Windows\\System32\\bash.exe'

I prefer to use tmux in all OS including windows (bash). You should definitely check them out here.
Some advantages of using tmux over other multiplexers are:

  1. configurable scrollback (ie., number of lines to retain)
  2. searchable scrollback
  3. cut/copy and paste between clients (windows)
  4. persistence across sessions
  5. status line for system information

The most significant benefit is persistence. Start a job in a multiplexer session and you can log off knowing that when you log back in and reattach the job will still be running.