How to align the text inside the TextView in Android?

I have a multiline TextView in Android. It is a child of a LinearLayout. It is already centered horizontally and I also want to have the text inside it centered.

Here's what I have now:

_ _ _ _ _ _| aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa  
_ _ _ _ _ _| aaaaaaaa  
_ _ _ _ _ _| aaaaaaaaaaaaaa

What I want is:

_ _ _ _ _ _| aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa  
_ _ _ _ _ _|       aaaaaaaa  
_ _ _ _ _ _|     aaaaaaaaaaaaaa


_ _ _ _ = the space on the side of the TextView

| = the TextView edge

Solution 1:

Did you try the gravity attribute on the TextView ?


And make sure to use android:gravity and not android:layout_gravity.

Solution 2:

android:gravity="center_horizontal" should do the trick.

More information could be found here or here.