Use logging print the output of pprint

Solution 1:

Use pprint.pformat to get a string, and then send it to your logging framework.

from pprint import pformat
ds = [{'hello': 'there'}]

Solution 2:

The solution above didn't quite cut it for me because I'm also using a formatter to add name and levelname when logging. It looks a little untidy:

__main__    : DEBUG   : ['aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa',
__main__    : DEBUG   : Some other logging text

There may be a more elegant solution, but this:

for line in pprint.pformat(ds).split('\n'):

produces something a little nicer:

__main__    : DEBUG   : ['aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa',
__main__    : DEBUG   :  'bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb',
__main__    : DEBUG   :  'cccccccccccccccccccc',
__main__    : DEBUG   :  'dddddddddddddddddddd']
__main__    : DEBUG   : Some other logging text