Local Users and Groups in Windows10 Home upgrade

Solution 1:

You can add new user in windows 10 with help of the following method,

  1. Windows Key + R
  2. Type "netplwiz" without quotes
  3. Press Enter
  4. In "Users" tab click on "Add..."
  5. Follow the instruction. You can add local user or a microsoft account
  6. After adding user then click on "Advanced" tab
  7. And change the group of the added user into user or administrator

other way to press windows logo + R and type control userpasswords2 in the run box, then press enter and it will take the same place to the above mentioned users tab.

Solution 2:

Following 2nd part of @Peter Hahndorf's comment, namely:

...you can use the old net localgroup command

Is IMHO the easiest way to fix it on Windows 10 Home:

net localgroup groupname username /add

Where username is the name of the existing user you want to add and groupname is the name of the group you want to add them to. Source: Net_(command)/Localgroup

Solution 3:

@Peter Hahndorf's comment is straight on the target when he says you could use Powershell to tackle the issue:

I don't have a home edition but try to run PowerShell as an administrator and then run: New-LocalGroup -Name "MyGroup" and Add-LocalGroupMember -Group MyGroup -Member username, or even you can use the old net localgroup command

I've met this problem over a trivial thing: my new notebook came with W10 Home Edition. I had previously purchased W10 Pro but didn't want to reinstall everything because Xbox Game Bar won't show my FPS count.

You can manually do it with the command Add-LocalGroupMember, just like Peter said, or you can use a simple loop on Get-LocalGroup, like this:

Get-LocalGroup | ForEach-Object {
    if ( $_.Name -like '*performance*' ) {
        Add-LocalGroupMember -Group $_.Name -Member $Env:USERNAME

Mind you, the string '*performance*' is regional. In my case, with pt-br system, I had to switch it to "desempenho". Run, logoff and logon, and everything looks as it should. Powershell just saved me once again, this time from reinstalling a proper W10 edition.