xrdp failed (problem connecting) when package was auto-updated [closed]

Solution 1:

Check /var/log/apt/history.log, this was part of the upgrade from this morning (2019-01-10)

xrdp:amd64 (0.6.1-2, 0.6.1-2ubuntu0.1)

I then downgraded:

sudo apt-get install xrdp=0.6.1-2

It now works

Solution 2:

This seems like there are some security improvements in xrdp which may not be completely mirrored in vnc (either the software or its config), which is why reverting to the older version works.

A workaround from the Ubuntu bug tracker issue for this:

Adding this in sesman.ini under [Xvnc] solved this issue for me :



Solution 3:

Dont install lastest version of xrdp. This problem happens with new version of xrdp

I face this problem too and I want to contribute so I made this comment, I fixed this by following commands:

sudo apt-get remove xrdp vnc4server tightvncserver
sudo apt-get install tightvncserver
sudo apt-get install xrdp=0.6.1-2
sudo service xrdp restart

Login with Remote desktop connection from windows or with Linux you can use Rdesktop or anything you want then it should work.