Ubuntu 18.04 systemd-resolve doesn't read the /etc/resolv.conf properly
using 18.10 I had a similar problem. I resolved my problem by modifying /etc/systemd/resolved.conf with the dns server and search domain information. this looks to be correct behavior, according to the man page,
The DNS servers contacted are determined from the global settings in /etc/systemd/resolved.conf, the per-link static settings in /etc/systemd/network/*.network files (in case systemd- networkd.service(8) is used), the per-link dynamic settings received over DHCP, and any DNS server information made available by other system services. See resolved.conf(5) and systemd.network(5) for details about systemd's own configuration files for DNS servers. To improve compatibility, /etc/resolv.conf is read in order to discover configured system DNS servers, but only if it is not a symlink to /run/systemd/resolve/stub-resolv.conf or /run/systemd/resolve/resolv.conf (see below).
my config looks like this, adjust to fit your environment,
- is your private dns
domain syntax is important, don't forget the trailing dot "."
/etc/systemd/resolved.conf [Resolve] DNS= #FallbackDNS= Domains=blah.mydomain.com. blahblah.mydomain.com. #LLMNR=no #MulticastDNS=no #DNSSEC=no #DNSOverTLS=no #Cache=yes #DNSStubListener=yes
then restart the service
sudo systemctl restart systemd-resolved.service
verify service is running. syntax errors might cause issues that you can see here.
sudo systemctl status systemd-resolved.service
try to lookup a local domain
nslookup blah.mydomain.com
if that did not work, then verify the query does not time out. manually specify the dns server
nslookup blah.mydomain.com
resolved has a built-in query function which is helpful
% resolvectl query fedoraproject.org
fedoraproject.org: 2605:bc80:3010:600:dead:beef:cafe:fed9 -- link: enp5s0
2620:52:3:1:dead:beef:cafe:fed7 -- link: enp5s0
2610:28:3090:3001:dead:beef:cafe:fed3 -- link: enp5s0
2604:1580:fe00:0:dead:beef:cafe:fed1 -- link: enp5s0
2605:bc80:3010:600:dead:beef:cafe:feda -- link: enp5s0
2620:52:3:1:dead:beef:cafe:fed6 -- link: enp5s0 -- link: enp5s0 -- link: enp5s0 -- link: enp5s0 -- link: enp5s0 -- link: enp5s0 -- link: enp5s0 -- link: enp5s0 -- link: enp5s0 -- link: enp5s0 -- link: enp5s0
-- Information acquired via protocol DNS in 99.8ms.
-- Data is authenticated: no