How to describe table in SQL Server 2008?

I want to describe a table in SQL Server 2008 like what we can do with the DESC command in Oracle.

I have table [EX].[dbo].[EMP_MAST] which I want to describe, but it does not work.

Error shown:

The object 'EMP_MAST' does not exist in database 'master' or is invalid for this operation.

You can use sp_columns, a system stored procedure for describing a table.

exec sp_columns TableName

You can also use sp_help.

According to this documentation:


is equivalent to

SELECT column_name "Name", nullable "Null?", concat(concat(concat(data_type,'('),data_length),')') "Type" FROM user_tab_columns WHERE table_name='TABLE_NAME_TO_DESCRIBE';

I've roughly translated that to the SQL Server equivalent for you - just make sure you're running it on the EX database.

SELECT column_name AS [name],
       IS_NULLABLE AS [null?],
                                  THEN 'Max'
                                  ELSE CAST(CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH AS VARCHAR(5))
                                  END + ')', '') AS [type]
WHERE  table_name = 'EMP_MAST'

The sp_help built-in procedure is the SQL Server's closest thing to Oracle's DESC function IMHO

sp_help MyTable


sp_help "[SchemaName].[TableName]" 


sp_help "[InstanceName].[SchemaName].[TableName]"

in case you need to qualify the table name further

You can use keyboard short-cut for Description/ detailed information of Table in SQL Server 2008.

Follow steps:

  1. Write Table Name,
  2. Select it, and press Alt + F1
  3. It will show detailed information/ description of mentioned table as,

    1) Table created date,
    2) Columns Description,
    3) Identity,
    4) Indexes,
    5) Constraints,
    6) References etc. As shown Below [example]:

Alt+F1 Demo

May be this can help:

Use MyTest
select * from information_schema.COLUMNS where TABLE_NAME='employee'

{ where: MyTest= DatabaseName Employee= TableName } --Optional conditions